Nanda Activity Intolerance. When getting clients up observe for symptoms of intolerance such as nausea pallor dizziness visual dimming and impaired consciousness as well as changes in vital signs. Verbal report of fatigue or weakness abnormal heart rate or blood pressure response to activity exertional discomfort or dyspnea electrocardiographic changes. Factors that can lead to activity intolerance may include side effects of medication extended bed rest living a sedentary lifestyle. Activity intolerance with nanda noc nic linda l.
Activity intolerance state in which an individual has no physiological or psychological energy enough to resist or complete required or desired daily activities. Activity intolerance is a nursing diagnosis defined by nanda as a state in which an individual has insufficient physiological or psychological energy to endure or complete necessary or desired daily activities. When getting clients up observe for symptoms of intolerance such as nausea pallor dizziness visual dimming and impaired consciousness as well as changes in vital signs. Activity intolerance intoleransi aktivitas definisi ketidakcukupan energy fisiologis atau psikologis untuk melanjutkan atau menyelesaikan aktivitas sehari hari yang ingin atau harus dilakukan. Activity intolerance with nanda noc nic linda l. Range of motion rom exercises in bed gradually increasing duration and frequency then intensity to sitting and then standing.
Activity intolerance related to general weakness imbalance between supply and oxygen demand.
Activity intolerance related to general weakness imbalance between supply and oxygen demand. Activity intolerance intoleransi aktivitas definisi ketidakcukupan energy fisiologis atau psikologis untuk melanjutkan atau menyelesaikan aktivitas sehari hari yang ingin atau harus dilakukan. Gradually progress patient activity with the following. Activity intolerance is a nursing diagnosis defined by nanda as a state in which an individual has insufficient physiological or psychological energy to endure or complete necessary or desired daily activities. Clients are able to do activities that are tolerated. A activity intolerance nanda nursing diagnosis list is made by a nurse according to the rules of nanda i and the nurse uses the data collected about the patient as well as his physiological and psychological response to give a special name to the condition of a patient.