Spinal Cord Shock Symptoms. These symptoms include a loss of sensation accompanied by motor paralysis and loss of reflexes which usually recover to some degree over time. Reflexes in the spinal cord below the level of injury are depressed hyporeflexia or absent areflexia. Increase sweating or hypothermia. One of the main symptoms of neurogenic shock is low blood pressure from irregular blood circulation.
You may experience some or all of the following spinal shock symptoms as a result. Spinal shock is to spinal cord injuries as fevers are to infections. Loss of sensation in your arms or legs. One of the main symptoms of neurogenic shock is low blood pressure from irregular blood circulation. It is more common in men 80 than in women. Extreme back pain or pressure in your neck head or back weakness incoordination or paralysis in any part of your body numbness tingling or loss of sensation in your hands fingers feet or toes.
One of the main symptoms of neurogenic shock is low blood pressure from irregular blood circulation.
Sometimes however the spinal cord is compressed or damaged as the result of a spinal injury and it responds to that injury by swelling up. Increase sweating or hypothermia. Numbness loss of sensation and tingling in your hands face toes or feet. One of the main symptoms of neurogenic shock is low blood pressure from irregular blood circulation. Spinal shock is to spinal cord injuries as fevers are to infections. Sometimes however the spinal cord is compressed or damaged as the result of a spinal injury and it responds to that injury by swelling up.