Symptoms Of Low Phosphate Levels. Symptoms may not appear until your phosphate levels drop very low. Chronic means the level has been low or drops slowly over time. Other electrolyte values are likely to be affected depending on your disease. Then you may notice trouble breathing or respiratory problems confusion irritability or coma.
Symptoms may not appear until your phosphate levels drop very low. Hypophosphatemia is a low level of phosphate in your blood. Hypophosphatemia can be acute or chronic. Symptoms of hypophosphatemia occur only when the phosphate level in blood becomes very low. Many people with mild hypophosphatemia don t have symptoms. In mild chronic hypophosphatemia the bones can weaken resulting in bone pain and fractures.
Symptoms of hypophosphatemia occur only when the phosphate level in blood becomes very low.
Phosphate is an electrolyte mineral that works with calcium to help build bones. Many people with mild hypophosphatemia don t have symptoms. Symptoms may include weakness trouble breathing and loss of appetite. These all may occur with phosphorous levels of 0 1 0 2 mg dl. Hypophosphatemia is a low level of phosphate in your blood. Phosphate is an electrolyte mineral that works with calcium to help build bones.